The total Graduation Requirement is 36 credit units (cu) for students majoring in Biochemistry, an 18 credit unit major requirement. The courses and activities focus on a physical and molecular perspective of biological systems. This program, in combination with the College General Education Curriculum, typically satisfies undergraduate course suggestions or requirements for entry into most medical schools.
First & Second Year
Students should complete the following courses by the end of the second year.
Calculus, 2 semesters (2 cu)
- MATH 1400 Calculus, Part I
- MATH 1410 Calculus, Part II or MATH 161 Honors Calculus
General Chemistry, 2 semesters with laboratory (3 cu)
- CHEM 1012 General Chemistry I or CHEM 1151 Honors Chemistry I
- CHEM 1022 General Chemistry II or CHEM 1161 Honors Chemistry II
- CHEM 1101 General Chemistry Laboratory I
- CHEM 1102 General Chemistry Laboratory II
General Physics with calculus, 2 semesters with laboratory (3 cu)
- PHYS 0150 Principles of Physics I: Mechanics and Wave Motion or PHYS 0170 Honors Physics I: Mechanics and Wave Motion
- PHYS 0151 Principles of Physics II: Electromagnetism and Radiation or PHYS 0171 Honors Physics II: Electromagnetism and Radiation
Organic Chemistry, 2 semesters with laboratory (3 cu)
- CHEM 2411 Principles of Organic Chemistry I with Laboratory
- CHEM 2421 Principles of Organic Chemistry II with Laboratory
Biological Chemistry, 1 semester (1 cu)
- CHEM 2510 Principles of Biological Chemistry
Third Year
Physical Chemistry, 2 semesters (2 cu). Students may complete requirement in years 2 or 3.
- CHEM 2210 (Fall only) Physical Chemistry I
- CHEM 2220 (Spring only) Physical Chemistry II
Advanced Biochemistry, 2 semesters (2 cu). Students may complete requirement in years 3 or 4.
- CHEM 5510 (Fall only) Biological Chemistry I
- CHEM 5520 (Spring only) Biological Chemistry II
Fourth Year
Mentored Research in Faculty Laboratories. (2 cu) Biochemistry Laboratory is a two-semester sequence completed in a student’s final two semesters. Students must have a host laboratory identified by spring of year 3. Most majors start with the host laboratory in year 2 or early in year 3. The host laboratory must be involved in fundamental research in the natural sciences. The choice of host group must be approved by a Biochemistry major advisor.
- BCHE 4597 (Fall/Spring) Biochemistry Laboratory